Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Fear of Flying Help

fear of flying

The fear of flying is a somewhat common problem for many traveler's. It has even prevented some from planning a family vacation or has caused others to make an excuse to their boss as to why they cannot go on that business trip. If left untreated it can prevent you from being able to make cherished memories with family and keep you confined from experiencing many exciting moments in your life.

With that said for many the fear of flying is not an easy phobia to move past. It is practically programmed into our DNA as humans to be afraid of heights. At the dawn of man this fear protected us from dangerous situations and death.

It is important to take a close look at your phobia and decipher what truly causes the anxiety.

Find The Root Cause Of Your Fear of Flying 

In order to overcome the fear of flying you must exam what causes these fears. What trigger brings these fears to the forefront of your mind. It could be a fear of turbulence, crashing, being away from home, something you saw on the news, being in a confined space. Whatever it is you must identify it. This is the very first step to moving past it.

Taking Small Steps

It is unreasonable to expect someone with the fear of flying to simply go from step A to step Z and fly across the country with 1 simple intervention. The best way to tackle this phobia is to take small steps towards familiarizing yourself with the problem. 

  • Go to the airport several times before your trip to see planes safely landing and safely taking off.
  • Watch passengers exit the plane and enter the airport after a safe trip.
  • Speak with a therapist to devise strategies for combating your fear of flying
  • Try the Takeoff Today Program. This program has worked time and time again to alleviate the fear and anxiety associated with flying.

Driving vs. Flying Safety Comparison

The National Traffic Safety Administration compiles and researches accident statistics for the entire country. Its 2008 Traffic Safety Facts Data boils down the millions of accidents and other statistics to 1.27 fatalities per 100 million vehicles miles traveled. In contrast, the 1998 rate was 1.58 fatalities per 100 miles.

The National Transportation Safety Board compiles aviation accident data. Preliminary statistics for 2008 show only 20 accidents for U.S. air carriers operating scheduled service. This works out to nearly zero accidents per million flying miles. No one died, and only five people were seriously injured.

Don't Be Ruled By Anticipation

In most cases anticipating the anxiety of an event is far worse than actually the actual event itself. This is definitely true when addressing the fear of flying. I would wager that 90% of the people that have this phobia are far more anxious in the weeks and days leading up to the flight than during the actual flight itself. Developing a ritual to reset your mood is a great intervention for overcoming this fear and anxiety.

Implement A Calming Ritual

Calming rituals are something you can do to reset your mood into a calm and relaxed zone when you are under stress. This ritual can take many different forms. Examples of calming rituals may include: listening to your favorite musical artist, drawing, reading, closing your eyes an envisioning yourself in a beautiful, serene environment, prayer, and the list goes on and on. It is really whatever puts you at peace. 

Define your own ritual and use it when you feel anxious or fearful. 

fear of flying

When you are ready to fly

Be sure to take your first flight with a family member or friend. The presents of a family member or friend in a stressful situation can do a lot to make the situation easier. Also be sure to bring along items to make yourself comfortable and for entertainment purposes while you travel. Having these items can help to keep your mind off the flight.

Please comment below and share strategies that have helped you overcome your fear of flying!